Not enough vitamin B6? How can you tell? What can you do about it? In this article we’ll answer all of your questions so be sure to read on to find out all about vitamin B6 deficiency symptoms and more.
Not enough vitamin B6: how does it feel?
This hardworking vitamin has a lot of responsibilities. It has an impact on your emotions, appetite, sleep, and thinking. It is required to fight diseases, converts food into energy, and assist your blood in carrying oxygen to all parts of your body. While it is uncommon to run out, you cannot afford to.
Anaemia, or a lack of red blood cells, can occur if your body is deficient in B6.
That would exhaust you and make you feel weak. Anaemia can also be caused by a lack of iron in the body. Other vitamin deficiencies, such as B12 and folate, may also contribute to it.
Not enough vitamin B6 might cause the skin to display signs of B6 deficiency. Chemical changes occur in your body. This frequently results in seborrheic dermatitis, a scaly, itchy rash on your face. With time, the rash may become more visible. If you have a slight deficiency, the symptoms may appear months or years later.
Cracked, dry lips
Your mouth might be an excellent area to detect a lack of B6. Your lips might be scaly, and the corners of your mouth could be cracked. Your tongue might swell.
Immune System Flaws
A lack of B6 may make it more difficult for your body to fight infections and disorders. This can become a vicious cycle. Cancer and other diseases can decrease your B6 reserves. To compensate, you’d need to take in considerably more vitamin D. You may simply accomplish this with a B6 vitamin.
Are your feet numb? A nerve ailment known as peripheral neuropathy might be to blame.
Numbness in the hands or feet
Are your fingertips tingling? Are your feet numb? A nerve ailment known as peripheral neuropathy might be to blame. A lack of B6 may contribute to it. It, as well as other B vitamins such as B12, are necessary for the health of your nerves.
Grumpy Baby
A cranky infant may be attempting to notify you that they are deficient in B6. That might happen if you only give your child breast milk for more than six months. Seizures can occur if the vitamin is deficient. It can also make your baby’s hearing more sensitive, making noises more likely to distress them.
Sickness in the Morning
Pregnant women require more B6 than anyone else. A B6 vitamin may assist if you’re feeling unwell with nausea or vomiting (and not only in the mornings). However, you should only take it under the supervision of your doctor.
Brain Fog
B6 aids in mood and memory regulation. If you’re feeling confused or depressed, especially if you’re elderly, a lack of this vitamin might be the cause. It may increase your chances of becoming depressed following a stroke, hip fracture, or other serious illness. B6 can occasionally act in conjunction with other B vitamins. If you run out, your mental talents may suffer.
Low B6 levels may increase your risk of developing cancer. The reason is unknown to researchers. However, a deficiency of B6 has been associated with stomach and oesophagal malignancies in studies. A deficiency of the vitamin may also increase your risk of developing malignancies caused by steroid hormones, such as breast and prostate cancer.
Dose Per Day
Not enough vitamin B6 could lead to the things above, and we don’t want that. The quantity of B6 you require each day is primarily determined by your age. Babies from 7 to 12 months require 0.3 milligrams each day. You will require more as you go. Over 50, you need at least five times as much: 1.7 milligrams for males and 1.5 milligrams for women. Pregnant women, in particular, require 1.9 milligrams each day.
Proteins are the source
All of the B6 you require may be obtained through meals. Among the most convenient sources are poultry, beef, and fish. Just 3 ounces of tuna contains nearly half of what an adult needs each day. The same quantity of salmon will provide 30%, whereas chicken will provide 25%.
Veggies and fruits are good sources
Do you enjoy starchy veggies such as potatoes, yams, and corn? They are some of the most common sources of B6 in the United States. Fruits are another important source (except for citruses like oranges and grapefruits). One cup of chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, provides half of your daily needs.
Shortage Causes
Serious B6 deficits are uncommon. However, some seniors may become deficient if they do not eat enough food or if their bodies do not absorb nutrients as well as they used to. Kidney disease and other diseases that prevent your small intestine from absorbing nutrition might also be to blame. Alcoholism is another example.
What about dietary supplements?
Not enough vitamin B6 could lead to horrendous outcomes, but luckily supplements can help. B6 is found in most multivitamins, although it can also be taken alone. Inform your doctor if you are using any medications or supplements. And be gentle with it. Too much B6 can harm your nerves and cause rashes, heartburn, and nausea. Adults should consume no more than 100 milligrams each day.